
Michael Dell on Surface tablet: ‘The impact will be limited’ - perezfaber1942

Michael Dingle has reached a crossroads. PC sales are deceleration to a crawl as tablets and smartphones capture many consumer dollars every class. What's the founder and CEO of the 3rd largest PC manufacturing business to do?

If you think Dell is ready to give up on the PC, think again. When asked about the so-called Post-PC era, He says "the brand-Personal computer era has been pretty well for PCs indeed farthermost," noting that 380 million PCs were sold in 2011. Still, American Samoa I learned in the course of swapping email messages with Michael Dell for this Q&A, even though Dell may be odd true to its PC roots, it's also moving at lightning rush into the future.

Hybrid laptops; Windows 8 tablets; and a Dingle-hopped-up ecosystem of networking, store, security, servers, virtualization, and cloud services delineate Dingle nowadays. That's a far watchword from the Dingle that wrote the book on address-cut-rate sale PCs and e-commerce back in the 1980s.

Today Dell faces serious challenges. Critics have accused it of missing the mobile revolution (despite its having proven the waters in 2010 with its Dell Streak tablet line). And since the iPhone was launched in 2007, Dell has lost 60 percent of its commercialise value.

So what does Michael Dell have to say about his company today?

PCWorld: Since your return to Dell, you have been redefining the company. Can you tell people what Dell is today and what it will be in 5 old age?

Dell: We've undergone a significant transformation, but we're not as different arsenic you might think. Dell has always been about creating customer value and solving customer problems. For a long time we did that by advancing private productivity through devices and the adoption of the PC.

Today we're still same focused happening portion our customers get more treasure and better results from technology—but customer needs have changed, and we now crack a much broader put down of solutions. It's really an exciting time to be in IT. Innovations in areas equivalent cloud, mobile, and big-information analytics are changing the way the world works, and we'Re aligning our business with these new opportunities to better serve our customers. In five years, I require we'll glucinium leading the path as an remainder-to-stop IT solutions provider, but in some ways, we'll also exist the selfsame—meaning very attuned to the needs of our customers.

PCW: DO you see Dell adopting Limb-supported products at some point? What can you William Tell us about future Dell proprietary smartphones and Windows RT tablets?

Dell's XPS 10 tablet.

Dell: Yes, the Dell XPS 10, a 10-inch tablet with ARM and Windows RT, debuted at IFA last calendar month. It's among the latest additions to our XPS product line and a great reflection of how we're upcoming mobility and the consumerization of Information technology. These end-user devices are studied for our burden customer set—commercial and mobile professionals—and are optimized for management, security, and productivity.

PCW: You've said that Dell wants to offer customers to a higher degree clean a smartphone OR tablet. What type of total solution are you talking most?

Dingle: We'atomic number 75 centred on the stallion IT ecosystem. The devices our customers use to return and consume selective information are a critical starting point, and that stiff selfsame important to us. We have some of the best products in the marketplace. For example, Dingle Precision workstations and our XPS ultrabooks. But we recognize that PCs are just part of the picture. We possess directional capabilities to grapple customer information seamlessly and firmly in multiple-twist and BYOD environments, including virtualized desktop that you tooshie access from any device.

Just beyond devices is an ecosystem of networking, entrepot, security system, servers, virtualization, and cloud up. This is where a lot of the opportunity in IT resides and where we think we can lead. The total solution is world-class devices backed past best base and services that support, connect, manage, and secure customer information. If the only creature in your box is a power hammer, then all problem looks corresponding a nail. We've shapely a toolbox of customizable, ascendible, flexible lengthwise solutions that put the customer first, not the engineering surgery service we're trying to sell.

PCW: Microsoft is acquiring into the computer hardware business via its Surface tablets. Is this better or bad for OEMs generally, and what's your take on the impact of Microsoft's hardware aspirations on Dingle specifically?

Dell: I think the touch wish be limited, given the number of units they expect to ship. Microsoft developed the product largely Eastern Samoa a reference architecture—to set a baseline for Windows 8 user experience. We're aligning a significant portion of our product exploitation with Windows 8, and we think it offers some great, modern capabilities. Anything Microsoft does to support quicker Windows 8 adoption is fine aside Dingle. Nonetheless, our focus is less connected their plans and more connected designing and delivering compelling Dell products and solutions.

Dell's XPS convertible notebook.

PCW: Where do you hope to takings the notebook and computing with Windows 8? Dell showed a really fashionable sofa bed notebook at IFA last month. What can we expect, and when?

Dell: We'Re working intimately with Microsoft to ensure our Windows 8 products fork up the primo user receive possible. On with the XPS 12 you mentioned, we also introduced the XPS 10, a tablet with a perambulating keyboard bob, and the XPS One 27 all-in-one PC with touch, all of which are designed for Win 8. We'll equal introducing other products for consumers and businesses closer to set in motion. We understand our customers' evolving IT needs perhaps better than anyone [else] in our industry, and that insight is baked into all of our new-sprung solutions.

PCW: What are your biggest markets these years? Consumer, SMB, operating theater enterprise?

Dell: More than 80 percent of our byplay is what we call commercial—a compounding of SMB, Enterprise, and Public Sector—so that's a strength and a precedence for us. We are in particular focussed on the midmarket, which is underserved and also a segment where we are positioned to lead with our open, scalable solutions. Notwithstandin, with the on-going consumerization of IT, we are also fully evocative of the blurring of lines between what is consumer and what is technical, and the products and services we'atomic number 75 delivering today and into the future are designed to bridge that spread.

PCW: What services bash you see as essential for lesser businesses as applied science evolves? (For example, cloud services and security?)

Dingle: SMBs may very healed beryllium the massive winners when it comes to new and emerging trends in IT. We're working to make business applications and capabilities that were formerly reserved for the largest of enterprises come-at-able to any company of any size through solutions that combine various elements of cloud, mobility, converged infrastructure, software. and services. So for example, a midmarket company can access big-data analytics or stand up a cloud architecture without needing a data scientist on staff operating theater an IT section with a couple of hundred people to sustenance things running.

PCW: You splendidly started your company at age 19 with $1000 from your dorm room at the University of Texas in 1984. Perform you have any legal brief advice for cash-strapped college kids who want to start a tech business tabu of their residence hall elbow room today?

Dingle: IT doesn't necessarily take a lot of hard currency to start a great company. Many of the best ideas come from young multitude WHO land inexperient insights and position to existing opportunities. That was sure as shooting my experience, and I feel pretty good about how that clad. So if you have a great idea and you're willing to pursue it, learn from your mistakes and adjust quickly, and keep your customer at the nitty-gritty of everything you do.


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